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Start your day right: 6 tips for developing a morning routine

Some people get up at six o’clock in the morning like it’s nothing. You’re not one of them? No problem – finding motivation so early in the morning is a challenge for many. These six tips for a powerful start of the day might actually help you turn into an early bird!

1. Take your time

If you act under pressure in the morning, you put your body in a state of stress. That’s why you should take some time in the morning to go through your morning routine. Sure, getting up earlier means sleeping less – however, your body will get used to it pretty quickly.

2. Get moving!

Our muscles and joints need a little movement in the morning in order to ‚wake up‘. Treat them to a small stretch unit of about ten minutes. No ambitious workout or stretch program is required here - it’s enough to just move each part of the body a little. Start with your feet: Move your toes and do a circle your ankles. Do the same with your hands and fingers. Go over to your legs. Pull them towards your stomach and stretch them out again. At the end you can stretch your whole body again and take a deep breath. Concentrating on the different parts of your body also helps your brain wake up. 

Stretching will also help you warm up on cold winter mornings when it is even more difficult to get out of your warm bed. It‘s also good for your blood circulation. 

3. Hydration is important

Your body has just spent eight hours dehydrating while sleeping. Therefore, you should hydrate properly in the morning. As much as you’d like, don’t drink coffee first, but rather drink a glass of water beforehand. It boosts your metabolism, helps your body detox and it’s good for your hair & skin.

Or better yet: Drink a glass of warm water with a piece of lemon! Lemons have high levels of important nutrients such as calcium, potassium, vitamin C and pectin. They also contain iron and vitamin A. Make sure that the water is lukewarm and not hot, so it doesn’t destroy the nutrients inside the lemon.

4. Breakfast for more energy

After drinking your lemon water, make sure to have a healthy breakfast. It should contain some carbs, healthy fats, protein and fibers. The combination of these nutrients provides you with energy throughout the day. It could be some cereal with a piece of fruit, a whole-wheat toast or a smoothie-bowl with different toppings. If you want to enjoy your breakfast on the go or at the office, you can go with the cherry-banana breakfast shake

A good supplement to a healthy breakfast are also the so-called vitamin shots, which often make for most of your vitamin intake throughout the day – such as ginger shots! They can be prepared in bulk and kept in the refrigerator for up to five days. Try our pomegranate-ginger shots or the ginger-turmeric-shots

5. Tricking yourself into good mood

Smiling is a simple but very effective trick that you can use to start your day motivated.

It’s all about good mood here. If you put a smile on your face, your body will react with a positive feeling. This even works if the smile isn’t caused by an actual emotion. This effect is called „embodiment“, because by actively putting a smile on your face, you embody the emotions it’s associated with. Try it out: Stand in front of a mirror and smile, then make a sad face. Now compare both sensations you feel. The same applies to your posture: Lifted shoulders and head radiate more self-confidence not only on the outside, but also on the inside.

All in all, it’s important to remember: Smiling improves your mood!

6. The little things that make us smile

More often than not, it’s the little things that make us smile and get in the mood – whether it’s listening to some music, putting on a new dress or enjoying some coffee out of the KOFFJE tumbler on the way to work. Find your personal formula for happiness and implement it into your morning routine. Soon enough you’ll notice the positive effect this has on the rest of your day. Start your day right!

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